How to Create Strong and Secure Passwords

Mostly everything you do on the internet requires a password. While it's simpler to use a short, easy-to-remember password, this can also pose severe risks to your online security. The truth is that even though most websites are secure, there's always a small chance someone may try to access or steal your information. That’s why it is so important to use passwords that are hard to guess and unique.

How Do Passwords Get Stolen?

You might be wondering - what are the ways passwords get stolen? Well, there are many different ways. A phishing email may tell you that there’s something wrong with one of your accounts. It will direct you to click a link, which takes you to a phony website built to resemble your financial institution. Be vigilant and never click on a link from someone you don’t know.

Avoid these top weak passwords

Another way is when the hacker tries to guess every combination in the book until it hits on yours. The attacker automates software to try as many combinations as possible in as quick a time as possible. Fortunately, there are ways to create strong passwords that have less of a chance of being hacked.  

Check out some essential tips to consider when creating a password.

  1. Make sure to use all different character types such as uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers as well as special characters (ie: &%$#!%^)

  2. Using passphrases is longer and more complex than passwords. By using these, they are easier to remember but more challenging to guess. Some examples include:

    • Choose a phrase you can remember and reduce it to the first letters of each word.

    • Pick 4-5 Letters and then make a phrase using words that start with those letters. Add special characters where it makes sense.

  3. Don’t use memorable keyboard paths. Much like the above photo, do not use sequential letters and numbers, and do not use sequential keyboard paths (like qwerty). These are among the first to be guessed.

  4. If you don’t have time to come up with your own strong passwords, a password generator is a really quick and easy way to get a unique and strong password. Our own secure password generator will create a sequence of random characters. Copy and use it as a password for your device, email, social media account, or anything else that requires private access.

The final step would be to keep tabs on all of your passwords. Sites like LastPass help organize and protect your sensitive information. Whichever course you decide to take, don't put it off! Data leaks and breaches happen every day, and the next one could have your password in it.


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